
Brand Tuned Podcast 

with Shireen Smith

Brand Tuned podcast is all about the 'what and why of branding' and how to avoid commoditisation through better differentiation and positioning. It also discusses why distinctiveness involves intersecting brand creation with intellectual property (IP) and brand protection.

Brand Tuned Podcast

is all about the 'what and why of branding' and how to avoid commoditisation through better differentiation and positioning. It also discusses why distinctiveness involves intersecting brand creation with intellectual property (IP) and brand protection.


Scroll down to listen to the episodes

Featured Episodes

Ā The Changed Branding
Ā Industry

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Is it Time to Change the Creativity First Mentality
In Branding?

Listen Now

 On Brand, Advertising
 & More

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 Mark Ritson on
 Differentiation and

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All Episodes

Exploring IP Internationally via Puerto Rico's Legal Landscape with Paola Zaragoza Cardenales

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Are IP Principles Different in Latin America?

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How Tom Gardner Built and Branded Multiple Businesses

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Mission-Driven Entrepreneurship with James Brown

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Navigating Branding and Growth withĀ Paul Fernandez

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How to Create Transformative Brands with Emmanuel Probst

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Your Branding & IP Questions Answered


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Takeaway lessons from Sean Adam's Masterclass on Identity Design

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 How to Succeed with Identities Without Really Trying 

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 Identity - Creating Your Purple Cow

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Strategic Creativity - Being Relevant and Resonating


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 Why Focus on Ownership

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 One Brand, One Brand

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 Brand Strategy for
 Start-ups and Beyond

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 Calling Bullshit on Brand

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 Brand Positioning 

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 Differentiation and Positioning for Small Businesses

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 Sales Differentiation

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 Building the Dent

Listen Now

 Descriptive or
 Distinctive Name?

Listen Now

On Brand, Advertising & More

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 Business Storyteller

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 Why Every Business Needs to Know About Trade Secrets

Listen Now

 The Power of Animation
 in Branding

Listen Now

 How to Move Beyond Your
 Job Role To Trusted

Listen Now

 Becoming A Company Of

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 Creating Passion

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 The Marketing Meetup

Listen Now

 Rebranding Rethink Press

Listen Now

 Colour Psychology

Listen Now

 Strategy For Creating

Listen Now

 Dumbing Down of
 Brand Assets 

Listen Now

 Market Orientation &

Listen Now

 The Changed Branding

Listen Now

 Segmentation & Targeting
 - Branding Industry

Listen Now

 Mark Ritson on
 Differentiation and

Listen Now

 Which Business Model?

Listen Now

 How To Stand Out From
 Your Competition —

Listen Now

 Somi Arian interviews

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 Niche Investment Comms

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 On Brand, Advertising
 & More

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 Positioning with Paige


Listen Now

 Why Not to Rely On Colour
 To Stand Out

Listen Now

Is it Time to Change the Creativity First Mentality In Branding?

Listen Now

 Descriptive or
 Distinctive Name?

Listen Now

 How To Brand
 Using Trademarks

Listen Now

  Verbal Identity with
  Rob Meyerson

Listen Now

  Interview About
 Brand Tuned

Listen Now

  Is IP a Constraint on

Listen Now

  Branding and

Listen Now

  Raising Women's
 Socioeconomic Status

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 Logo Design

Listen Now

 Creating a Meaningful

Listen Now

 Brand & Intellectual
 Property for Startups
 Vox Pops

Listen Now

 100th Episode Celebration
 of Brand Tuned

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 The Role of IP in

Listen Now

 Distinctiveness v Differentiation — Why Focus on Distinctiveness

Listen Now

 The Brand Starts From
 Inside Out

Listen Now

 Brand Positioning and 

Listen Now

 The Key Role of Values
 With Chet Morjaria 

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 Insights On Setting Up In
 Business from a Serial

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 How To Grow Your
 Business Using SEO

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 Chris Kneeland on Cult


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Brand Naming Hierarchy -Essentials to Consider When Naming Your Brand

Listen Now

 Brand and Business

Listen Now

 How to Brand and
 Differentiate Your Online

Listen Now

 Marketing is Too
 Important to be Left
 To Marketers

Listen Now

 How to Stand Out With
 Unique Expertise – Go
 Narrow and Broad

Listen Now

 Research and

Listen Now

 What You Need to Know
 When Choosing a
 Domain Name

Listen Now

 What to Consider
 When Formulating
 Your Brand Strategy

Listen Now

  Using Gut Reactions
  to Support Your
  Brand Strategy

Listen Now

  How to Develop an
  Exit Plan for Your

Listen Now

 How to Develop Your
 Ideas using Product
 Market Fit

Listen Now

Brand Strategy With Mark Ritson


Listen Now

 What is a Business


Listen Now
Listen Now

  Engaging Services
  For Your Brand


Listen Now

  Things to Consider 
  When Hiring a 

Listen Now

  Why Entrepreneurial
  Skills Are Important


Listen Now

 Does Copyright
 Protect Names      


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 Creating Kick-Ass
 Content Strategy


Listen Now

 What Makes an
 Outstanding Brand

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 How to Create a System
 For Your Digital Marketing

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 Part 3 - Steps you Need to
 Take to Protect Your Idea
 For an App

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 Joyful Marketing
 With Shannon Hernandez

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 Part 2 - I have an
 Idea For an App,
 How to Protect it?

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 How to Get And Stay

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Part 1 - How to Protect your App Idea from Being Copied

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 Transforming the Human
  Spirit Through the Power
 of Creativity

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Why is Failing to Capture Your Intellectual Property a Costly Problem?

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The Right Mindset is Critical for Success in Life and Business

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Intellectual Property – The Challenges of Protecting Ideas

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Stop Assuming Your Customer is A Big Sophisticated Brand

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 Trademarking a

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 Guide for Startups to
 Get Investors

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 How to Protect a

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Improving Your Profit Growth by Differentiating Your Business

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Why is Failing to Capture Your Intellectual Property a Costly Problem?

Listen Now

How to Turn Blogging Into a Huge Income

Listen Now

Intellectual Property – The Challenges of Protecting Ideas

Listen Now

 How to Manage a Successful Digital Marketing Agency

Listen Now

 What is

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 Using Video to
 Scale Your Business

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Understanding Intellectual Property Limitations Helps You to Be More Commercially Savvy

Listen Now

 Secrets of
 Successful Sales

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 How to Protect Ideas
 Against Theft by
 Competitors and Others

Listen Now

 The Why and How of A
 Perfect Pitch For Your

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What is Intellectual Property and What You Need to Know About It

Listen Now

 Franchising, All You Need
 To Know

Listen Now

Brand Names and Trademarks – What We Can Learn From O. Wilde

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 Why You Should Sell on

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 How to Start An Online
 Business Taking Action in
 the Right Order 

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 How to Use the Brand To
 Guide Your Business

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 Managing Your Brand

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 Brand Purpose Leads to
 More Success


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 The Knowledge


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 From Corporate Executive to
 Building A Personal Branding
 and Marketing Business

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 Are You Getting Engagement On Your Social Media Posts?

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How People Can Manage Their Social Media

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Part 2 Licensing And Franchising, What Is The Difference And Does It Matter?

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Creating His Business and Growing it Through Franchising

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Part 1 Licensing And Franchising, What Is The Difference And Does It Matter?

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 Creating the Team

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 Why Begin With the
 End in Mind

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Why Have a Brand Strategy
for Your Business? Part 2

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Brands Staying Relevant at a Time of Deep Crisis

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Why Have a Brand Strategy for Your Business? Part 1

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 What Business Are You Really In?

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How Brand, Branding and Marketing Impact Your Business Success

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3 Facts About Copyright Everyone Should Know

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 Building a Translation Business

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 How to Increase the Value of Your Business Without Increasing Turnover

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 Building a Business
 to Exit

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 Continuous Improvement – Get Going with Your Podcast

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 Brand Naming Process From Brand New Name Book

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Accountant's Perspective on IP Value & Importance of IP Foundations

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 Why Brand Protection is Important in Marketing

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Why a Brand Triage Increases Reach

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 A Product Designer's Perspective on Branding

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 Develop Your Personal Brand and Grow Your Business

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 What Not To Do When Branding

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 How To Understand Your Customers Better than Your Competitors

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 Rethinking Your Brand? Use IP Strategically

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 Growing and Selling his
 Distilled SEO Consultancy


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 Branding Home and Interior Sector Businesses


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 How a Focus on the Right
 Niche Led To Success


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 An Employee Centered
 Approach to Branding


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Add Then Multiply Approach to Achieving Unprecedented Growth

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Branding Financial Services Businesses For Growth

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 Branding Early Stage

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 Business Storyteller

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 Building the Dent

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 Why Branding Needs
 to be Interdisciplinary
 to  Benefit Clients

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